Clinical Services
Our Clinical Services provide intensive, in-home support based on Structural Family Therapy and Family Systems Theory to assist families who are facing serious emotional and/or behavioral disturbances. Two-person teams, comprised of one Master’s and one Bachelor’s-level clinician, deliver services an average of twice per week. Services are voluntary and require at least one willing parent or guardian to participate in treatment.

Family Based Mental Health
Family Based Mental Health (FBMH) is our most intensive service, comprised of two to three in-home sessions per week for 32 weeks. Services are offered to families with children who have significant behavioral problems, who have not shown progress in less intensive environments, and who are at risk of or are returning from an out-of-home placement. Our FBMH clinicians receive additional training in order to serve families with multiple mental health needs.
In order to be eligible for FBMH, the primary recipient must be a child or young adult, ages 5 to 21 years, who has an existing DSM-5 diagnosis. A recommendation for FBMH must be provided by a psychiatrist, psychologist, or primary care physician. Eligibility is dependent on the Medical Assistance eligibility of the person being referred.
Community School Based Behavioral Health
Community and School Based Behavioral Health (CSBBH) services are voluntary mental health services for children and youth (up to age 21). These services help children and youth who have a serious emotional or behavioral problem that affects how they function at school, at home, or in the community. The goal is to teach the student new ways to better manage their feelings and behaviors. We work with the school and family to support in all settings, including school, home, and community. Our team checks in each day the student attends school to plan what supports are needed for the day. Our daily checkouts assess progress and what may need to change in the future. Each student in our program will be offered individual sessions and be invited to participate in group sessions. Our staff focus on emotion regulation, social skills, anger management, self-esteem, coping skills, managing COVID-19, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, trauma, mindfulness, and more.

Trauma & attachment
Our staff employs Trauma-Related Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to address the needs of children with trauma and stressor-related disorders including P.T.S.D., reactive attachment disorder, acute stress disorder, and adjustment disorders.
Our staff is SOGIE trained. This is an enhanced training that builds competence in addressing
questions and issues around sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression in the youth and families we serve.
Our staff serves children and
families that experience autism spectrum and related disorders. Additional training in Applied Behavioral Analysis, allows them to provide education and support to children and families grappling with these diagnoses.
Perinatal Behavioral health support
Our staff engages parents with a perinatal mental health diagnosis and their families to address the behavioral health needs of the parents while assisting the family structure to support the needs of the children residing in the home.